How to Fix Voicemail Not Working in iOS 11, iOS 10 or iOS 9
Your iPhone Voicemail may be not working to play, load or send voice mails and visual voicemail. This may happen in iOS 8, iOS 9, the latest iOS 10.3.3 and even the iOS 11 final […]
Although Apple iOS is one of the top 2 mobile operation system in this world, it also brings bugs and problems. Usually, an iOS problem may be generated accidentally after you update your device to iOS 10.2, or you just make a backup or restore using iTunes or iCloud.
Almost all previous iOS versions were reported having issues. For example, in September 2014, iOS 8.0.1 update was reported causing an Touch ID problem on iPhone 6. In July 2016, iOS 9.3.3 release brought iBooks crashing issues. And recently, people reported battery drain fast after iOS 10. So it’s normal that you are in some trouble when using your iOS devices.
Some iOS problems is hard to be solved but some is easy. We aim to offer you the best solutions to fix your issues. So in this page, we list some common iOS issues you may drop into and gives your some potential solutions.
Your iPhone Voicemail may be not working to play, load or send voice mails and visual voicemail. This may happen in iOS 8, iOS 9, the latest iOS 10.3.3 and even the iOS 11 final […]
As a massive update, iOS 11 surprises us with a bunch of new features, ranging from Apple pay in Messages to Markup function in Photos app. There is no doubt that iOS 11 will make […]
You iPhone works well in iOS 10.3 or iOS 10.3.2. But after updating to iOS 11 final version, the iPhone screen stops to respond to touch although it shows something. As a result you can’t play […]
After testing of 9 beta versions, the official public iOS 11 finally says hello to us on Sep.19, 2017. To experience its wonderful new features like Screen Recording, Markup feature inPhotos app, Messages support Apple […]
The battery drain problem is one common problem people may encounter on smartphones and laptops. Of course, it also happens to iOS 11 users. It seems that there are some users destined to get the […]
The Wi-Fi problem on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is a common issue that usually comes with iOS update. After updating to iOS 11 final version today, you may still get various Wi-Fi problems on your […]
“After iOS 11 installation, it popped up this error saying, Verification Failed, there was an error connecting to the Apple ID server. Anybody met this issue while signing iCloud account to sync contacts?” When signing into […]
Spotlight search is a great tool on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, which you can use to find a contact, email, app, or nearby restaurant. In this way, you can quickly find what you’re […]
“I have this issue on my new iPhone 7 running iOS 10.3.3: all the push notification aren’t working. I’m trying to use WhatsApp, Telegram, mail, FaceBook, Tumblr etc… but no one is working with notification.” […]
“I Am having trouble with my voicemail and active voicemail service but when i go to phone app and click on voicemail, it shows call failed, please help me to solve this problem and I […]